Thursday, March 10, 2011

What I wanted to say was.....

Facebook is blogging for those of us with ADHD. I have yet to have anyone professionally diagnose me as such, but I'm sure if there is a test, I'll pass with flying colors. I have quick, fleeting thougths, and have a Droid with an app to record them. It might be fun to get a compilation of all of my posts to Facebook ~ I may have already written a book, and not even know it.

Life here at the bungalow is just funny. The 20somethings that come and go, searching for life's path, the teens that think they know it all and can't believe they have to live under our rule of lesser intelligence, the 6-year-old ~ cute, quirky and always cracking a line or two to make you pee your pants trying *not* to laugh at him, and Jon and Myself, strapped in tight and enjoying the loop-de-loops of life. Yes, it's a sit-com waiting to be played out by taller, made-up, liposuctioned movie stars.

The little blurbs I post each day when something strikes me as noteworthy are glimpses into our life, and a peek into my soul. You can easily guess what my passions are and where my treasure lies; I don't wear my heart on my sleeve ~ I post it on Facebook.

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