Thursday, March 10, 2011

Things I Wanted to Post on Facebook

Crysta Venettozzi Bourdon wishes she hadn't brought the industrial-sized tub o' cookie dough into the house.

Crysta Venettozzi Bourdon's little boy is one smart cookie. His first venture into the 'hot lunch' world left him wondering what the fuss was about. Apparently, mechanically-seperated-chicken isn't his thing!

Crysta Venettozzi Bourdon would rather have snow than the cold, wet sludge on the ground now.

Crysta Venettozzi Bourdon and Jon Michael Bourdon celebrated Empty House Afternoon with a rainy-day nap :) (yes, *just* a nap)

Crysta Venettozzi Bourdon must have been on some pretty strong drugs to decide to give up Facebook for Lent.

I would have taken a picture of the Muskingum across the street, now edging its way up the parking lot under the bridge, and made some quippy quote about building an ark.

I would have taken a picture of Caden skipping to school in his fire fighter rainboots, and professed some love :)

Yes, Crysta Venettozzi Bourdon misses her some Facebook time!


Lydia Donnelly said...

LOL! This is great!

Crysta said...

Thanks! I'm not much of a blogger. My thoughts come in random, two to three sentence blurps.